Instrument laser module means the function piece which has semiconducting 、driving circuit 、optics system、shell and connecting parts that have been assembly 、adjustment and ***ecting . Some people call it laser lamp-house , and also have someone call it laser head . These appellation¨s meanings are all indistinction or easy been confudion with the laser diode . We usually call it module keep to the international habit in a lot of craft brothers . Laser module is one of the mass producing in our factory . The laser module in our factory were various breed such as point spot module 、line module 、cross module 、pattem spot and laser parallel ( which can cast spot propinquity rotundity , the depth of parallelism for the team of light is a little higher ) and so on . Laser module can be widely used , it¨s useful in many way , for example , use in laser indicator at the production¨s kind of consumable like point spot module ( laser ferule ) 、laser toy and so on . In military affairs , it use at laser gunsight and many G.I. . In tools¨ , it use at laser measure etc. . In instrument , it use at medical instrument etc. . Rinbayashi and a variety of that , it has numerous to enumerate . Now large quantities of the laser module we product were use in mobile phone . Line module were use in laser tools ( such as laser level and so on ) , laser orientation and all kinds instrument . With we demise the technology to some big corporations in electric tool industry several years ago , the part install at the cutting electric tools 、bore tools etc. which use as direct direction and place . The purpose between cross laser and line laser was alike . The purpose of the laser module were extend every time . If you add a laser function on your production , it will improve the its grade . It can increase the sell point and be new increase point . The laser module we product can be different grade , in order to fit different grade production . Because the require from user were diverse from each other , it was quite dif |